
Compresseur à membrane série GD

1. Le compresseur à membrane est un compresseur alternatif avec une structure spéciale, qui présente un taux de compression élevé et de bonnes performances d'étanchéité.
2. Le gaz comprimé par le compresseur à membrane n'est pas contaminé par l'huile lubrifiante ni par d'autres impuretés solides.
3. Le compresseur de gaz à membrane convient à la compression de gaz de haute pureté, rares et précieux, inflammables, explosifs, toxiques et nocifs, corrosifs et à haute pression.

  • Ville de Dandong, province du Liaoning
  • 2 mois
  • 18 unités/mois
  • information

Introduction of diaphragm compressor:

Diaphragm gas compressor is driven by a motor, which rotates the crankshaft through a pulley, and then through the connecting rod to make the piston in the oil cylinder move in a reciprocating linear motion, pushing the oil and causing the diaphragm to vibrate reciprocally. Under the control of the intake and exhaust valves, the diaphragm vibrates every time Once, the intake and exhaust process is completed. When the diaphragm gas compressor's diaphragm press is working, a small amount of oil in the oil cylinder leaks into the oil tank through the gap between the piston ring, cylinder wall and ring groove. In order to compensate for this part of the oil volume, so that the diaphragm can be close to the curved surface of the cylinder head at the end of the compressor stroke, and the compressed medium is discharged, the compensation oil pump injects oil into the cylinder during the suction process of the diaphragm press. The oil volume is slightly more than the leakage At the end of the compressor stroke, the excess oil flows back to the crankcase through the pressure regulating valve that controls the oil pressure.

Since the diaphragm of the Diaphragm gas compressor completely separates the cylinder from the oil cylinder, the compressed medium does not come into contact with the oil, thereby avoiding oil contamination and ensuring the purity of the compressed medium. The cylinder is composed of a cylinder head curved surface and a diaphragm. It is a closed cavity, so it has good sealing performance.

Diaphragm compressor

Specifications of diaphragm compressor:

Reciprocating compressor

Diaphragm gas compressor

Advantages of GD Series Diaphragm Compressor:

1. Type D represents the symmetrical balance type. The cylinders are on both sides of the compressor. The stress on the crankshaft is more balanced. The plane layout is more reasonable but it occupies a larger area.

2. The gas does not come into contact with any medium. Reciprocating compressor is suitable for compressing rare and high-purity gases.

3. Reciprocating compressor has good sealing, no leakage, and no oil pollution. It is the first choice for compressing toxic and harmful, flammable and explosive gases and special gases.

4. The new membrane cavity curve improves the volumetric efficiency of the Reciprocating compressor and increases the life of the wearing parts diaphragm and air valve.

5. The fully functional independent oil pump station provides stable pressure, clean quality, and fully cooled lubricating oil for compressor lubrication and oil cylinder operation.

6. The whole structure of the Reciprocating compressor is compact and reasonable, which facilitates the transportation, installation and maintenance of the equipment; it operates smoothly and reliably, with small vibration and low noise.

Diaphragm compressor

About us:

Liaoning Jinding Technology Development Co., Ltd. est une entreprise clé dans la production de compresseurs de gaz à membrane. Il possède de nombreuses années d'expérience dans la production de compresseurs, une forte force technique, un excellent équipement, un assemblage exquis et un service après-vente rapide. Des produits de haute qualité et une toute nouvelle philosophie d'entreprise rendent les produits de l'entreprise acceptés par les utilisateurs de diverses industries telles que le gaz industriel, l'alimentation et la médecine, l'industrie pétrochimique, l'industrie électronique, l'industrie des matériaux, le charbon et la recherche scientifique. Les médias comprimés comprennent l'air, l'argon, l'hydrogène, l'oxygène, le chlore, le néon, l'azote, le fluor, la phosphine, l'éthylène, l'acétylène, le dioxyde de carbone, le monoxyde de carbone, l'oxyde nitreux, etc., qui peuvent également être personnalisés en fonction des besoins des clients.

Reciprocating compressor

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